Project Title | Project Scope / Description | Application | |
Towards a Data-Driven Agriculture Sector in Jamaica |
Over the last two years, the Rural Agricultural Development Authority, the SlashRoots Foundation and the Mona School Of Business & Management have collaborated to explore how open data principles could be applied to the most pressing challenges in Jamaican Agriculture sector. Central to this work has been need to overcome structural constraints in resource availability and scale necessary to catalyzing a more data-driven agricultural sector in Jamaica. This strategic initiatives seeks to apply emergent best practice on government digital services and an evolving theory of change for how data collaborations facilitated by shared open infrastructure can enable access to and the creation of high quality agricultural data assets and information services. The outcomes of the initiative would aid in the closing of existing data gaps, improve the information available to actors throughout the agricultural sector and exploring the implications an increasing digital and connected public service on data privacy and ownership. | | Read More... |
Establish the Caribbean School of Data |
Building sustainable open data infrastructures and enabling the effective use of Open Data in the Caribbean, requires organizations from all sectors (public, private, media, civil society) to invest in staff and community capacity across the whole open data value-chain, including skills for: supplying open data; using open data; and understanding, analyzing, and mobilizing data to create change. Similar and complementary skill-sets are required across the rapidly expanding data ecosystem, including Big data, private data, and crowd-sourced data. |
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Open Data and Interactive Community Mapping: Empowering Local Community Tourism |
As the global tourism landscape evolves, there is an emerging market for an alternative tourism product that is heritage-, cultural- or nature-based and thrives on visitor-community interaction, exploration and exchange. This so-called community-based tourism creates opportunities for empowering local communities as sustainable businesses, by developing, marketing and exposing their natural culture, talents, passion and potential to the world and is a key component of Jamaica’s sustainable tourism future. |
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Visualizing the structure and inkages in the Jamaican economy using National Statistics (Administrative Data) |
The sectors of the economy are all linked together as portions of the output in one sector is consumed in another. The Input-Output (IO) Table analyses the Jamaican economy by showing the value of goods and service that are produced within each sector and how much of that which is produced is consumed locally in production and by consumers and that which is exported. The table also distributes the total import bill to the various sectors of the economy. Other “Supply and Use tables” collected from surveys and administrative sources, such as Labour Force, Education, Census, Housing and Trade collectively reflect the structural dynamics of the Jamaican economy. However much of this statistical information only presented as tabular data in a highly aggregated format, and in some cases and is only produced periodically (eg. the last I/O Table was produced in 2007). |
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Open Data in the Caribbean: Creating Possibilities and Opportunities for increased Access, Collaboration and Innovation |
Provides a platform for expanding the OpenData initiatives in Jamaica and the Caribbean. The Overall Goal of the Project is to contribute to the development of the Caribbean Knowledge Economy though open data initiatives that support policy oriented research networks in the region, and involves the following primary components: | | Read More... |
Digijam 2.0 Sportshackathon |
The purpose of this project is to facilitate the SportsHackathon by: |
SportsData API |
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mFisheries Research project - Trinidad & Tobago |
mFisheries is developing capacity in the Caribbean to pursue opportunities arising from the provision of innovative mobile-enabled services for its poor communities, and providing related empirical data and analysis to inform Caribbean policy and regulation. mFisheries focuses its attention on the small scale fisheries industry in the Caribbean, with particular emphasis on Trinidad and Tobago. | | Read More... |