New perspectives for electronic governance: the adoption of open government data in Brazil

  • Posted on: 3 December 2012
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)
TitleNew perspectives for electronic governance: the adoption of open government data in Brazil
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2011
AuthorsVaz J C, Ribeiro M M, Matheus R
Conference LocationNewark, New Jersey
Keywordscitizen, electronic governance, electronic government, open government data, participation, transparency

Through the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has become possible for the bases of raw data, be freely manipulated, filtered, or cross and building new applications. These possibilities are called Open Government Data (OGD). The aim of this paper is to present the State of Art of the Open Government Data in Brazil’s governments. The benefits are: promoting transparency, social control and citizen participation. After reviewing literature about ODG and transparency main concepts and their relationship, this article presents an exploratory study conducted on the emerging ODG experiences in Brazil. Conclusions present the emergence of a new level of demand for transparency: what is not confidential should be available on the Internet in the open data format. Despite relatively late in adopting ODG, Brazilian state and federal governments are doing their first movements and creating new standards and pratices whice are going to spread in Brazilian public sector.

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