The GOJ 2012-13 Budget (for discussion* purposes only)

Visualizing the Budget to Show where your taxes will get spent in 2012/13

An important feature of Budget Transparency, according to emerging International best practice, is making budget information available and accessible to CIvil Society (NGOs, journalists, citizens, etc.) in such a way that it provides a basis for discussions, participation and provides mechanisms for greater media / civil society engagement in the entire budget process. The 2012/13 GOJ Budget was published through traditional channels:
GOJ/MOF Website:
with subsequent commentary/analysis by various journalists and commentators.

This site presents the GOJ 2012/13 budget from different perspectives using Open Data / visualization tools. This is an evolving initiative, that will seek to encourage and build capacity for more effective data journalism.


Budget Line Item Details: Scroll through the Budget book line items using the navigation options at the bottom of the table. Click on any column header to sort by that column.

*NB. Budget data derived from scraping pdf documents published on the Jamaica Ministry of Finance website:
There may be slight differences between the figures presented on this site and the final budget annoubnced by the Minister of Finance in Parliament on Thursday May 24, 2012.