Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries (ODDC)

The World Wide Web Foundation in collaboration with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC, Canada) announces the launch of ‘Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries‘ (ODDC), a two-year research programme that seeks to understand the dynamics of both open data policy and practice across the developing world, paying attention to the dynamics of open data use across different geographies and contexts, and looking at both positive impacts of open data, and unintended consequences. 

The ODDC will conduct 17 independent case studies in 14 countries, drawing diverse samples and contexts to explore the emerging impacts of open data in relation to particular governance issues – from budget monitoring or regulation of extractive industries, to management of city infrastructure or involvement of marginalised communities in decision-making. Each study will include a number of shared components, supporting a broad, comparative analysis of how open data is developing in various locations, and in relation to different substantive issues.
Initial case-study countries include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Nepal, Paraguay, Philippines, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uganda and Uruguay.
The project will be supported by The Open Data Research Network, an emerging network of REsearchers focussed on the impacts of open data in developing countries.The Caribbean Open Institute will be an active member of this network of Researchers, and Caribbean case studies will add to the growing portfolio of empirical research and evidence upon which open data initiatives can be informed and based. 
For more information on this significant project, read the full announcement.